OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY is located in the small village of Nkoilale, Narok District, a few kilometers from the gateway to the famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. In this small school, where primary studies are taught, about ninety boys and girls from the surrounding areas currently study, some live a few meters from the school, others walk almost an hour to get to the center. Boys and girls from three years old taking PP1 & PP2 classes, and all primary education courses from Grade 1 to Grade 6.
This private academy tries to offer an education in line with national levels to these boys and girls so they can have an opportunity tomorrow. Life in these rural areas is not easy for many families, with limited resources that often sacrifice children’s education due to lack of resources. At school, children receive breakfast and lunch, which makes many families make an extra effort to take their children to school, knowing that they not only receive the education they are entitled to, but also guaranteed food every day.
The area where the Academy is located is an area where the majority of families have few economic resources, in a poverty line where paying school fees requires an enormous effort and many families are not able to cover the payments throughout the course. school. Currently the Center has a significant gap between income and expenses and it is the directors who cover it personally or by seeking other minority support to be able to move forward, prioritizing being able to keep the boys and girls in the center with a clear commitment to education.
The beekeeping project can provide significant funds for Olbolet Siana Hills Academy, so there is a high % coverage of the deficit per quarter, in addition the natural honey market in Kenya, and especially in the Masai Mara area, has a very high demand. high, so it should not be difficult to have customers to buy honey on a recurring basis. Furthermore, honey is a product that does not expire so that it can be preserved for long periods.
We are working to deliver beehives to the Maasai community, and provide them with the necessary knowledge to develop a sustainable business that helps keep the school generating income. The honey that their hives will produce can be sold by the Maasai communities, for example to Enkopiro Camp, where their guests can taste it in their breakfasts, and thus collaborate in the development of the community.

Importe transferido: 2.900€ en fecha 21 de noviembre de 2023 ( 484.300 KES)
Construcción del espacio para las cajas de las abeja: 150.000 KES / 900 euros.(Hacer clic para ver la cotización entera).
Compra de las cajas para las abejas i equipos: 258.900 KES / 1.550 euros (Hacer clic para ver la cotizacion 1, i cotización 2)
Transporte cajas y abejas: 64.400 KES / 386€ (ver cotización aquí)
Coste de la pintura: 7.200 KES /45€
Total actual: 476.500 KES / 2.853€
Pendiente asignación: 7.800 KES / 47€
In November 2023, thanks to contributions from BarcelonaActua, we have obtained the money necessary to develop the beehive project for the OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY school. The total contribution received was €2,900, an amount that was transferred to Kenya on November 21, 2023, at the local currency exchange rate of 484,300 Kes.
Assembly work began on December 1, 2023 and continues to progress at a good pace. On December 11, the structure is almost finished and the boxes with the bees arrive.
21.11.23 Envio dinero a Kenya
01.12.23 Inicio de los trabajos de la estructura de las colmenas
07.12.23 Inicio del tejado y laterales de la estructura
11.12.23 Llegan las cajas con las abejas para las colmenas.