In 2012, Marta started a trip to Africa that would change her life. A simple trip to discover his love and passion for this beautiful continent, its people and its wildlife, which years later led him to form his family in Kenya.
Now the time has come for their passion to join that of their siblings and families, and together they join in a new family CHALLENGE, the “Associació Maasai Reto” established in Spain in 2022 with the mission of supporting the Maasai community of Kenya, and in Kenya where Ololasurai Reto Community Based Organization has been established, a CBO with scope of action in the Ololasurai Valley, Masai Mara, both with the dual objective of supporting the area of wildlife conservation “Ololasurai Wildlife Conservancy” and for the support of the community in this remote area of Maasai Mara in the most basic needs.

Without a doubt, being able to share our lives with the Maasai tribes in our area is an enormous privilege. The Tribes that live in the Mara are nearby, although reserved for tourists. We are lucky to be able to share their daily lives with them, and thus be able to know their needs and little by little help them.
From the strategic point of Enkopiro Camp, we have the opportunity to work with them, and enrich ourselves with their magical culture. Learning about their relationship with nature, with animals and the mutual respect they have for each other, reminds us of values that our Western society once had.
In this context, numerous projects are being structured on the basis of the pillars of Education, Environmental Sustainability, Water & Health and Women’s empowerment, to support the development of the Maasai Communities and help them in the transition to new ways of life
Among all the needs in the rural areas of the Masai Mara, the lack of schooling is a pressing problem. Recently, through Maasai Reto, a dormitory for girls has been funded at the Olbolet Siana Hills Academy in Nkoilale (Masai Mara) and we are currently tackling our first major project, the construction of a primary school in the Community of Ololasurai, in addition to sponsorships for schooling, and other small projects.
We want to protect, train and help the Maasai culture with your collaboration, we want to make known their legacy and their culture to preserve it and prevent its disappearance, and for that we must be by their side and accompany – them in the constant daily challenges.
From the Maasai Reto Association we will develop programs for the entire Maasai community in Kenya. Are you signing up?? we need you
You can collaborate with the association directly by supporting a project, where you will see the evolution of the same, or by becoming a CHALLENGE FRIEND, with an annual contribution so that we can continue to improve the basic needs of the Maasai tribes.