July 12th, 2024 at 19:30h 

Restaurant Arrels (Quart)

The time has come to be able to share the projects of the Maasai Reto Association with all of you, to tell you WHAT WE HAVE DONE, WHAT WE ARE DOING AND WHAT WE WANT TO DO with your collaboration, for this reason we are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the association where you will learn about all our projects and the “challenges” of the future.

We will present you the new Olchoro Lemayian Primary School, opened this past January 2024 and which already has more than 52 students, and above all we will share our proposals for the future to continue contributing our bit to the Maasai community.


Price of the menu with collaboration included: €65 Limited places, allocation by strict order of payment.

Maximum payment date: July 1, 2024

Account number of the association to confirm the reservation: ES45.2100.1436.1602.0020.0270

Transfer description: Charity dinner – name of the reservation – number of attendees

Want to collaborate with Maasai Challenge but can’t attend the dinner? You can make a contribution to Table 0 through our bank account or through the Migrano de Arena link. (

You can send us your inquiries to the email

In collaboration with :