“RETO” Bedroom Maasai – Olbolet Siana Hills Academy
OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY is located in the small village of Nkoilale in Narok District, a few kilometers from the gateway to the famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. In this small school, where primary studies are carried out, about ninety boys and girls from the surrounding areas are currently studying, some live a few meters from the school, others walk almost an hour to get to the center. Boys and girls from the age of three attending PP1 & PP2 classes, and all primary education courses from Grade 1 to Grade 6.
This private academy tries to provide an education in accordance with national standards to these children so that they can have a chance in the future. Life in these rural areas is not easy for many families, with limited resources who often sacrifice their children’s education due to lack of resources. At school, children receive breakfast and lunch, which makes many families go the extra mile to get their children to school, knowing that they not only receive the education they deserve, but also a guaranteed meal every day .
Ms. Lucy, Director of the center, is also a great support for girls entering their teenage years, who find there a person with whom they can talk about topics that are still taboo in many cultures and difficult in their environment: give them information on female hygiene, on female genital mutilation, offering them an opportunity beyond marriages when they are still very young, unwanted pregnancies….
Per reforçar la protecció de les nenes, volem donar suport a OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY per a la construcció d’uns dormitoris per a les nenes, reforçant així la seva seguretat i l’educació fins a acabar l’educació primària, apostant pel futur d’aquestes nenes perquè puguin conèixer un món ple doportunitats.
BUDGET: 2.210€
Labour cost: 450 euros
Materials costs:
- Doors and windows: 425€
- Room construction: 360€
- Iron parts: 775€
- Other materials: 200€
Cost of the kit of bed + bed linen/blanquets and mattress for every girl: 80€
Would you help us?
Bank transfer to the association account: ES45.2100.1436.16.0200200270
IBAN: ES45.2100.1436.1602.0020.0270

In February 2023, thanks to your contributions, we will get the money needed to start developing the girls’ dormitory project at the OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY school. The total contributions received were €3,177.96, an amount that was transferred to Kenya on March 14, 2023, at the local currency exchange rate of Kes 437,472.
Due to legislative changes in Kenya this 2023, all schools must have at least one permanent stone building. This change has meant an increase in the costs initially planned for the bedroom, which amounts to 444,890Kes, of which Maasai Reto will contribute 405,000Kes, committing to contribute the remaining 40,000Kes, allowing to have not only a bedroom for girls, but also to adapt to the new regulations of the country. The amount left over from your contributions will go towards furnishing the dormitory.
The agreement between Maasai Reto and the school was signed last Sunday, April 2, 2023.
Challenge “Bedroom for the girls of OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY”
14.03.23 Envio dinero a Kenya
02.04.23 Firma del convenio con la escuela
12.04.23 Inicio de las obras del dormitorio
12.06.23 Las obras de construcción llegan a su recta final.
07.07.23 Las obras del dormitorio han finalizado!!!!

On April 12, construction work on the dormitory begins. The areas are demarcated and the land adaptation work begins. During April and May they work hard, with breaks due to the rains in May, but even so by mid-June the work is almost finished and ready to be delivered to the school.
And on July 7, 2023, we will have the bedroom finished!!!! Many thanks to everyone who helped make it a reality.
Today we have one more reason to SMILE, one more reason to move forward in this project.