If MAASAI RETO has any meaning, it is to develop cooperation projects with the local community, either in the field of the Maasai community, the local wildlife or the coexistence between them. Without a doubt, a capital and exciting CHALLENGE for us. In this section of the website you can find out about the projects we are developing and their evolution, we want you to have all the information at all times and to be able to consult the project that interests you the most.

This is our first BIG PROJECT, just one year after starting MAASAI RETO.
Start the construction of a new school, OLCHORO LEMAYIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL is the name chosen by the Local Community for this new educational center, which will be located in the center of the Community of Olulasurai, which is on the border with the Maasai Mara, where you could potentially educate about 160-200 children, a very high percentage of all the boys and girls in the area. The project would be structured in different phases that would cover the nursery, primary and common rooms for teachers, kitchen and other necessary elements.
Will you help us make this big dream come true?
Having access to education should be a right for everyone. But many families in the Maasai areas of Kenya face great difficulties for their children to be able to access them. Traveling great distances every day, areas that are difficult to access or with wild animals, families with very modest economies where the payment of quarterly school fees is a huge effort (or almost impossible!)…. difficulties that encourage us to this new challenge where you can all help us by sponsoring the schooling of boys and girls from different Maasai communities so they can attend the schools in their nearest area.

OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY is located in the small village of Nkoilale in Narok District, a few kilometers from the gateway to the famous Maasai Mara National Reserve.
To strengthen the protection of girls, we want to help OLBOLET SIANA HILLS ACADEMY to build dormitories for girls, thus strengthening their safety and education until they finish primary education, betting on their future and that they can know a world full of opportunities
In the town they told us the need to get water.
The first step we have taken is to collaborate with the transport of water from the rivers to the village, to prevent the mothers from having to move them.
But we want to improve their quality of life and being able to guarantee them water would be an incredible challenge, which is why we are studying the installation of motors with solar panels
Project study: Click here for detailed information
Project execution cost: Click here for detailed information
The water challenge consists in supplying the village with a water well. With this well, a great improvement in the health and quality of life of the village is achieved.

We work to bring beehives to the Maasai community, and equip them with the knowledge needed to develop a sustainable business that will help keep the school generating income. (see the business plan and explanation here).
The honey produced by their hives can be sold by the Maasai communities, among others at Enkopiro Camp, where their guests can taste it in their breakfasts, and thus collaborate in the development of the community.