The Maasai Reto Association is established in Spain in 2022 with the mission of supporting the Maasai community in Kenya.

In Kenya, the Ololasurai Reto Community Based Organization has been established, a CBO with an area of ​​action in the Ololasurai Valley, Masai Mara, with the dual objective of supporting the wildlife conservation area “Ololasurai Wildlife Conservancy” and for the support of the community in this remote area of ​​Maasai Mara in the most basic needs.

In this context, numerous projects are being structured on the basis of the pillars of Education, Environmental Sustainability, Water & Health and Women’s empowerment, to support the development of the Maasai Communities and help them in the transition to new ways of life

Among all the needs in the rural areas of the Masai Mara, the lack of schooling is a pressing problem. Recently, through Maasai Reto, a dormitory for girls has been funded at the Olbolet Siana Hills Academy in Nkoilale (Masai Mara) and we are currently tackling our first major project, the construction of a primary school in the Community of Ololasurai.


• Start the construction of a primary school: OLCHORO LEMAYIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL

• The school would be located in the center of the Community of Ololasurai which borders the Maasai Mara, where 160-200 children could potentially be served, which would allow a very high percentage of the children in the area to go to school.

• Construction would be done in phases in a gradual manner.

PHASE I of two classrooms to provide the first two years of compulsory education for about 40-50 children under the education system in Kenya
(CBC – PrePrimary PP1 and PP2).

PHASE II of three classrooms to offer the first three years of primary education: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in addition to offices for teachers and common elements to give quality to the school

PHASE III of three more primary classrooms for 4th, 5th and 6th

Would you help us?

Bank transfer to the association account: ES45.2100.1436.16.0200200270
IBAN: ES45.2100.1436.1602.0020.0270

Through the  crowfunding CONTRUCCIÓN NUEVA ESCUELA PRIMARIA (migranodearena.org) , where you can get a certificate of your donation.

All contributions to the  Asociacion Maasai Reto will be recognised with a diploma of RETO FRIEND and in every project there will be a full and detailed information with the total contributions and expenses.

1st novembre 2023

4th novembre 2023

7th novembre 2023

7th novembre 2023

17th novembre 2023

17th novembre 2023

28th november 2023

2nd december 2023

8th  december 2023

12th december 2023

14th december 2023

8th january 2024

10th january 2024

A date we will never forget: First day of the school. We are open !! 

Compare the evolution of the project. What a wonder to see the school grow at this rate!!!


For every EURO you contribute to the project in Phase I, the Catalytic Fund will contribute another EURO, thus doubling the impact on the project of your help until reaching the first 8,000 euros. From this point, the more collection the faster you can go building new grades in the school.

1. Land for construction. Donated by the community

The local community must also show its commitment to the project by providing the necessary land to build it.
The Community of Ololasurai has shown commitment for the transfer of a designated land for the construction of the Educational Center.
In addition, the constitution of a Committee is planned for the maintenance of the grounds and to guarantee key aspects such as cleanliness, security…

2. Academic Management.

Teaching staff to cover the recurring expenses of teachers (2 initially) would be structured as follows:

• 1 PP1 teacher would be paid directly personally by a private sponsor (guaranteed).
• The rest of the teachers would be paid through school fees that families must pay quarterly.

3. Funds for Phase I (Kindergarten classes PP1, PP2): Completed

Construction of two classrooms, with an estimated cost of €8,000
The Catalyst Fund (FC) will contribute €4,000: Barcelona Actua €3,000 and our association Maasai Reto another €1,000
Online campaign through MigranodeArena and/or other private/institutional contributions that want to support the project €4,000

4. Funds for Phase II (1st, 2nd, 3rd grade primary classes and offices for teachers, storage, bathrooms and kitchen if possible):

Online campaign through MigranodeArena and/or other private/institutional contributions that wish to support the €14,000 project.
Thanks to everyone who participated through the MigranodeArena online Campaign and to all the private/institutional contributions received. We continue with the open company to complete the construction of the kitchen!


5. Funds for Phase III (4th, 5th and 6th Grades):

Online campaign through MigranodeArena and/or other private/institutional contributions that want to support the project €10,000


Terreny – Cedit el 05.10.23
Professors – Garantits
FASE I – Assolida
FASE II – Assolida en un 95% – pdt cuina
FASE III – En procés 5%
  • 23.04.2023    Inicio RETO

  • 01.08.2023    Fase I y Fase II garantizadas con las aportaciones

  • 12.09.2023 Se transfieren los primeros 13.400€ a Kenia

  • 05.10.2023    Se formaliza la entrega del terreno por parte de la comunidad

  • 14.10.2023    Llegan los primeros materiales para la escuela

  • 21.10.2023    Empieza la construcción de la escuela

  • 10.01.2024    FIRST DAY OF THE SCHOOL